
First AML’s ongoing monitoring feature provides daily updates on screening matches for your clients (individuals and entities) directly within the platform. Compliance Admin users have the ability to control how long profiles are monitored, either on an individual case basis or in bulk.


How to manage Ongoing Monitoring for an individual (or entity) customer

Follow these steps to manage ongoing monitoring for individual client profiles:

  1. Navigate to Ongoing Monitoring:

    • From the main menu, select Profiles then Ongoing Monitoring.


2. Select the Profile:

  • Use the search bar or available filters to locate the desired profile.

3. Open the Profile:

  • Click on the selected profile to open the overview and then navigate to the Ongoing Monitoring tab.
  • Use the toggle to switch ongoing monitoring on or off for that profile.
  • Your changes will be automatically saved in the activity log for future reference.

4. Adjust Expiry Date (Optional):

  • Click the pen icon to set or adjust the expiry date for the ongoing monitoring, if required.

How to manage Ongoing Monitoring in bulk

To manage ongoing monitoring for multiple profiles at once, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Profiles:

    • From the main menu, select Profiles, then Ongoing monitoring
    • Use filters to narrow down the list of profiles you wish to modify.

2. Enable Bulk Mode & Select Profiles:

  • Click on the Bulk Mode button to activate the bulk editing functionality
  • Select the profiles you wish to update from the list. To select all tick the box at the top.
  • Click Update 

3. Update the Status:

  • Choose the new status for ongoing monitoring: on or off.
  • If needed, set an expiry date for ongoing monitoring for the selected profiles.
  • Click Update to apply the changes to all selected profiles.
  • Your updates will be recorded in the activity log for each modified profile.