1. Who are Centrix and how do First AML use Centrix?

Centrix are a New Zealand Credit Bureau used by First AML to verify details of individuals with New Zealand residential addresses and/or New Zealand Identity Documents.  

First AML use the Centrix API to request verification of an individual's name, date of birth, residential address, and Government Identity Document where their residential addresses is in New Zealand, and/or their Identity Document is a New Zealand Drivers Licence or New Zealand Passport. 

2. Does First AML performing a Smart ID or Smart Address check have the chance of impacting an individual's credit score?

No, a Smart ID check does not impact a consumer’s score.

3. Does First AML performing a Smart ID or Smart Address check record the details of that check against my credit record? And if so, what details are captured, and does it differ based on check?

Yes, these checks will always leave an enquiry on the consumers file. This is so you as the consumer know that your credit file has been accessed. It is only visible to you as the consumer and no one else sees this entry. The entry captures the date, the user, example First AML and what the enquiry is for. ID verification is displayed as the enquiry type.

4. Does every check First AML perform on my details display on my consumer file? 

Yes, each enquiry is displayed regardless of the amount of time between the checks.

5. Does the record of these checks against my credit record / credit score eventually get deleted after a period of time? Or are they on my credit record forever?

ID verification checks are removed 5 years after the date they were done. All types of enquires have an expiry date under the Credit Reporting Privacy Code.