This article will outline the standards that need to be met when supplying certified Trust documents for customer due diligence purposes.
This will include information about what you need to provide, certification wording, who can certify documents, and how to provide your certified documents.
- Summary
- Trust Deed Certification Guidelines: Australia
- Who can certify documents?
- How do I provide the documents?
This will include information about what you need to provide, certification wording, who can certify documents, and how to provide your certified documents.
Trust Deed Certification Guidelines: Australia
What do I need to provide?
Please provide certified copies of your Trust Deed and all amendment Deeds, certified within 24 months. The certifier should certify the first page only.
What does the certification need to include?
Who can certify documents?
Please note the trusted referee must not be an individual involved in the transaction or business requiring the certification.
How do I provide the documents?
The person who certified the documents can e-mail the scanned certified copies to [email protected]